Click on the Passport to access your P2S document.
As part of out effort for sustainability rather than print out the document, download it and fill it in before saving it and sending it back to your member of staff running the project.
All the activities are included in the passport but are also featured below. You will still need to download the booklet to evidence the work you have done.
Good Luck.
Activity 1 Self Belief - Mental Strength

Self Belief - Mental Toughness
Duncan our SGO for Hambleton and a nice quiet task to focus you and give you the power of positivity to believe in yourself.
Watch the video and then plan some time into your day just to be alone with your thoughts, it could be one minute to start building up to 10 mins by the end. No phones, no gadgets, just you think about something good you did today and think about something good you can achieve tomorrow.
Good luck & don't forget to evidence your challenge.
Activity 2 Eco-Friendly - Team Work

We would like you to volunteer at a school event as a sports leader.
Work alongside your PE staff to help organise an event at your school either for pupils at your school or for a primary school that may visit.
Lead an activity, run a competition, or help umpire a game.
It could even be helping out at an open day or another event happening at school.
While helping at this event we would like you to consider the environment. Think carefully about the materials you use, so you need to print out a lot of sheets? Do you need all the lights on? Are you using re-useable materials such as drinks bottle rather than a plastic cup etc. What materials can be recycled after the event.
Would you like to become a eco-friendly school leader? To find out more visit https://media.yourschoolgames.com/documents/Young_Leaders_Pupil_Booklet.pdf
Alongside this can you achieve all the below top tips?
Good Luck
Activity 3 Respect - People Skills

Volunteering and helping - is designed to help you achieve the Respect - People Skills School Games Value.
Watch the video and click on the poster for some inspiration and tips that go with this activity.
Don't forget you can adapt this activity or even come up with your own.
Good luck and don't forget to provide evidence of your achievement.

Activity 4 Passion - Sports & Life Knowledge

PASSION: Sports & Life Skills
What is the one thing you love to do the most? What makes you enjoy that thing so much? Have you ever wanted to share that excitement with a friend or family member?
Watch this short inspirational video about Passion and developing sport and life skills and share your two main passions with a friend or family member. You might even find a new passion too!
Good luck and don’t forget to provide your evidence of this task- we are excited to see what you are passionate about and share in the enjoyment.
Activity 5 Determination - Hunger to achieve

Determination - Hunger to achieve
This video has set you the task of being kind yourself and giving yourself the time and dedication to try and achieve something you've always wanted to do but there has always been something that stops you.
Have a think about what it is you would like to achieve and keep trying until you achieve it.
Good luck and don't forget to provide us with evidence
Activity 6 Honesty - Planning for success

The 7 miles in 7 days challenge is designed to help you achieve the Honesty - Planning for success School Games Value.
Watch the video and click on the poster for some inspiration and tips that go with this activity.
Good luck and don't forget to provide evidence of your achievement.
Added extra - Mindful Walking
The 7 miles in 7 days challenge
We would like you to focus on being in the present while you are on your 7 miles in 7 days challenge.
Click on the resource to access Mindful Walking.
This helps keep your mind focused using your senses.